Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sale Season

This is the season for sales and shopping, expect for Jos. A. Bank.

Why would I be singling out one company? I cant take it anymore! Every week for months, in the morning while getting dressed, I would hear their ad “Buy one suit, get two free”, “Buy one item 50% off, next items 60% off, your third item 70% off”.

I remember when they had their first “Buy one suit get two free”. Men weren’t buying suits because of the recession and they had such an overwhelming response they didn’t have enough tailors.

Then it started, some brilliant marketing person had the idea “Well if we got that much response let’s do it again, every week”. Not at first, it was twice a year, then on every holiday, now it has become every week.

Now, I can not escape the ad’s even though I am no longer employed. I thought since I get up a little later, I wouldn't hear the ad, one of the bright spots of unemployment. No, now they are on prime time.

Brooks and I have had a few discussions about this. Brooks understand men hate to shop and the sale sounds great. Personally, I think they are simply cheapening their brand.

Last night, we both came up with two new great sale pitches.

ARRRGGG – even as I am writing this one of their commercials came on – oh everything in the store is 60% for 3 or more items, is anyone else confused?

Here are our marketing ideas -

Brooks: “Buy half a suit get the other half free” This includes the sock, shirt, belt and tie.
Astor: “We’ve lowered our prices so you get a great deal any day of the week”

Do you have ideas for a new marketing plan for JAB?

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